Hello to the unbothered goddess Kourtina, The proud queen of temper tantrums Kohlibear (own it!!), and orange Kuhm. I thought I might as well spell Kim's name like that since Khloe pronounces it like that anyways.
I wanted to ask how Kourtney and Khloe felt when they ignored Stacy Nancy Sim Louis's intructions and turned her into a Glowzilla? It was quite the moment. Did you guys figure out where she went afterwards? I heard a lot of chaos was sown that day... Also, did Vanish find out you guys did it? I hope not and you are all safe and doing well! 🩷
PS. Kehm you still owe me money for the advertising you manipulated/lied your way into making me make for your horrible Glow Glow Glow Glowing Perfume that you ended up putting in literal RADIOACTIVE URANIUM GLASS BOTTLES!! ☢️☠️
Hello to everyone SPECIFICALLY Kim Kardasim the Billionaire,lawyer,mother,and famous tv and social media star.I just wanted to ask how Kim can cope with being constantly berated or insulted by her own family in regards of her products
Hello sisters! In preparation for the 100th, I've heard Khloe mention you guys might bring in audio messages for Listener's Response! In that case, I have something cooking! Another thing, I suggest that we do a special edition of Who's the Smartest where we have 5 questions instead, and they're all about trivia/fun facts highly related to the podcast!Here's some sample questions:
In Episode 41, the sisters answered a Listener's question and their answers were Kale, Mashed Potatoes, and Licorice. What was the original question?
In Episode 60, you guys did a special twist this episode, what was that twist?
Himalayan Monkey Urine. Guess what kind of conversation led to this topic.
According to "The Kim Code" in her wiki page, what does "Le tit" mean?
Before No No No was a thing, Kim brought up her own idea of a product line that Kourtney would have. Guess what that was.
Feel free to take more questions or other interesting ideas from fans!PS. Please say my full name and enunciate each of my middle names clearly and without any other bitch talking over you while doing it (bonus points if each of you would do it)
Also if this anyone wants the answers, here they are. (reverse the entire text here to see)senohpdaeH gnillecnaC esioN .5
".seY" "?tit el yas tsuj uoy diD" ".namow ssenisub tit el a ...tit el a er'uoy ,yentruoK" .tigeL .4
."selknirw hcterts ot desu" eniru s'yeknom cificeps a si hcihw "htuoY fo niatnuoF ehT" rof "sayalamiH eht ni elgnuj" eht ot dellevart maet reh dias miK .tcudorp "enO evitisneS wolG wolG wolG" s'retsis reh ni muinaru dna eniru dnuof yeht taht denialpmoc renetsil A .3
Hello kardasim simsters, except for KEM!! I am back.
I don't know if you remember who I am KEM!!!
I am moncef , the only survivor of the first glowzilla ever created from my pet lizard. Remember me KEM!?
Remember The glowzilla that destroyed MY WHOLE LIFE?
I am here to update you on my journey as a fighter and survivor through the hardest times of my life only learning from the best , Khloe kardasim , mother of kokroaches , the queen of bootyhole pics , the true heir of the kardasim throne.
KEM! After surviving..
I taimed the glowzilla monster and now its under my control , and i have planned revenge!! I am getting rid of the shitty , horrfying , and lovecraftian products you've created once and for all , I have rallied the victims of the glow glow glow survivors from all around the world to destroy you.
we're training each victim to take you down , we gathered no no no boxes to trap each abomination you've created , were using booty booty pop juice as weapons and enrgy drinks to make our asses bigger and better shileds.
Every side effect from your products are now supper powers to us , we're a band of supper heroes we are coming for you KEM !!Thanos of our world , you will be dealt with , I promise you that .
Stacy is with us. She is the brain and the backbones to our mission. The soul to our operation she says hi..and fuck you kem!
This is us. the revengers , we are many , we are simlegion.
Anyone remember Khloe's Podcast Episode 46 where Kheam and Cortina sabotaged the podcast owner's audio in Segment 1? Kockroaches deserve to hear that sabotaged audio clip.
Hello Kardasims. It’s been almost a year since the Amelia incident. It’s Kate, and I finally got a hold of the World Wide Web. Kim has shut down our factory after deeming it “too toxic” for the area. We had a giant glass box placed over our factory. At first we all thought they would be a way out. But after a week of looking, we realized there was no way out. It’s been a week and a half. We are running out of food and the air is becoming toxic to us. And the “glow glow glow x vanish” collaboration (which is a new food brand) is running out. I am scared and we want revenge. Khlole, we never got to go to your office and apply for a job because Kim never let us leave. Please come get us. -Kate
Sorry but Kem needs to be more honest about her business ventures like Kourtney and of course fighter and survivor Khloe.
Before I ask my question, I just wanted to say that I am so amazed by No No No’s signature product. When I opened my limited edition box - which cost over $500,000 - I expected to see a bunch of nothing. But what I found was so much more!
I found myself!
After years of therapy and self reflection I finally understood who I am. Thank you No No No!
I can confidently say that I am no longer bothered by much and hope to someday be as unbothered as the queen herself, Kourtney.
Anyway my question is to Kem and Khloe.
Ladies, why in sim-hell would you collaborate on a business venture together?!
I ordered a subscription to Glow Glow Glow’s monthly surprise membership and it has been fabulous - until recently.
The monthly gift boxes being sent used to include fabulous products such as simgm productions cockroach merch, sample sized booty pop and antiaging serums, and more!
But recently the boxes started coming in very beat up as they are suddenly being thrown onto my door step from someone driving by like a maniac.
The boxes now have labels for Glow Glow Glow’s all over them. And the original tape which sealed the box has clearly been tampered with.
When I open the box all I find are a dozen or so barely alive cockroaches - which is absolutely horrifying!
And not only that, these cockroaches all have what appears to be very big butts and are shining with pink glitter. These poor cockroaches seem like they are miserable and just trying to survive.
Khloe, why would you partner with Glow Glow Glow like this!? Please tell me this isn’t an official collab!
I have taken all of the cockroaches and placed them into a No No No box and they seem to be recovering slowly. They are also losing their glittery sparkles and their asses are returning to normal.
Once again I am positively astonished by the no no no product line and all that it does.
But as far as Booty Booty Pop Juice and Glow Glow Glow, I am not sure…
Please tell me this is one of KEM’s schemes and nothing to do with the queen of fighting and surviving!
Hello Kardasims!my name is Xian Sims, pronunciation is See.Yan sims
First of all, hello to the most watermelon sisters on the world!
Kourtney, the unbothered queen, Khloe, the fighter and survivor queen, and Kim, the biggest business flop queen!i have been a listener ever since the first episode!
ive binged all of the kardasims videos and they always make my day!
first of all, what the fuck happened to Stacey Nancy SimLouis!?!?Girl, everyone seen that episode! Why would Kim install buttons to specifically make her into a glowzilla!I even saw her on the news, GLOBAL NEWS!!!! I accually saw her at the white house!!!!Kim is gonna get sued by the president for reall!! this is my first time writing, and i have so much to askk!!For Khloe! If the word ''Kockroaches'' didn't exist, then what would you call us? For Kourtney! If boxes didn't exist, then what would you sell then? To Kim! How the fuck do you have permit to do all of those shit works you do on fucking innocent people?!? To Khloe and Kourtney! ive already seen that one video but, how traumatized were you when you guys went in the factory to a scale to 1 to 100. To all of you Kardasims! Do you still plan to bring other celebrities to the podcast? another question to all of you is that will you guys ever reach episode 500? thats all! love sent to all of you guyss!!! not much to Kim... fuck you and free all of those innocent people!!!#free_those_innocent_people
Glowzilla: so watermelon or so not watermelon?Disguise: so watermelon or so not watermelon?Fake names: so watermelon or so not watermelon?Lunch breaks: so watermelon or so not watermelon?Product instructions: so watermelon or so not watermelon?Touching something twice: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Good morning Kardasims. I would like to start off by saying Kim, I think you're very......anyways... you might need some ozempic in the worst way possible.(religiously) My grandma bought your Glow Glow Glow Anti Aging Sauna. I tried to stop her but was unsuccessful. Her skin started to get inflamed with tiny holes and cockglowches started FLYING OUT. It did not help that she also had diabetes, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, copd, influenza, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and HIV. But I want to put an emphasis on how mild these were compared to what you did to her. Shes a fighter.. but NOT a survivor. Long live my granny whos last words were (say in a southern accent) "Her liposuction looks like it was unliposucted. I shouldve never trusted her." RIP Granny Ellianteah.
I have questions. THEY NEED ANSWERS.
Kim, now that your secret is out, how do you plan to gaslight your customers even more moving forward?
Hello sisters, ive seen your video of chloe and kourtina going to the glow glow glow factory.
i hope you guys are ok after the incident. kim is successful business woman and peoplej ust ned to learn to follow instructions when it comes to her products. in all fairness its them who signed the contract which they can read with the glow glow glow 100 00x zoom magnifier as long as you follow the instructions for those to which you cant read without the magnifier. Love your products kim and hi to khloe and kourtney. my question is do you think kim knew the truth about who chloe and kourtina really were?? Stay watermelon.
Greetings to the beautiful Kardasim sisters! And also to the most beautiful most smartest business woman Kehm. Just kidding. 🐍🐍 My name is Neutral Sibling, and I am the latest Glow Glow Glow victim.
So.. Before i start my incredibly traumatic experience, I would first like to say that I can't bare to talk about it even with myself. But i am breaking the silence and exposing KEHM for the mistreatment and the hell she put me through. I mistakenly decided to join the Glow Glow Glow Willy Wonka Event (It was basically just like the concept of Willy Wonka, but except it was whatever kehm's doing) I ordered the chocolate bars from her website and they arrived in the mail 9 months later. I thought it was a bit weird, but i didn't take the sign.
I opened the chocolate bars up one by one to REVEAL that i've won TWO silver tickets saying that i was invited to kehm's glow glow glow company! I was really excited and i decided to bring my Good Bro with me because i didn't wanna waste a ticket. he was hesitant but immediately caved in.
When i first met kehm, It was the worst experience of my life. As she welcomed us to the gates, the company had hazard signs almost all around it but i figured it was just for decoration! considering this is just an event. Kehm welcomed us in her factory and the SMELL was ghastly. And when i looked over, i saw my Good Bro eyeing a product and he accidentally touched it, causing a MAJOR gas leak. Kehm looked over and BERATED us for minutes on end and called out to Vanish. We saw two men in suits and they dragged my Good Bro out of my sight. I was kicked from the factory and I never saw my Brother again.
I ended up calling the Glow Glow Glow hotline and i asked for assistance. the woman on the phone called me a stupid bitch and resulted in hanging up. My mother and whole family are missing Good Bro and even attempted a whole search party dedicated to him. and we found NOTHING. PLEASE BRING BACK MY BROTHER YOU GLOW GLOW GLOW MONSTER! Me and my family are fighting everyday to see my Brother again and I will not stand for the silencing. You are going down.
Hi to the most watermelon sisters, Khloe and Kourtney. Khem I have considered to sue you, but I forgive you. I recently bought bbpj or Booty booty pop juice full package box, but when I opened it I got shocked when I saw that it was replaced with Glow Glow Glow Orange Sodas
I didn't think much and drank some of the Glow Glow Glow Orange Sodas, nothing happened, UNTIL my ass started growing and getting curvier. It turned into an ORANGE and circular and kept growing, I rushed to Google to search for a cure
Luckily I saw that bbpj can cure these ass the Glow Glow Glow Orange Soda gave me and also give me a thicker ass than what I had. I rushed to the supermarket and bought one. I immediately drank a whole bottle and my ass immediately started to deflate and turned into my dream ass, thank you bbpj and Khloe. Khem I hate you, stay watermelon Kardasims 🍉🍉🍉
Hi to the most watermelon sisters in the SIMWORLD.... and then Keoughmmm aka Kim. Sending you this message from Portugal and Keoughmmm ITS NOT PUERTO RICO you stupid bitch. I am Joel or at least i was until GLOW GLOW GLOW happened.
I cannot even start to tell you guys how much i despise Glow Glow Glow. The WORST company ever. Your produts ruined my life. Kim i have real evidence and i will bring you down, you stupid bitch.
This whole ordeal started back in Podcast episode 12. YES KIM i listened to all the episodes just to listen to beautigul voice of Khloe, the true fighter and survivor and Kourtney ... NO NO NO queen.
Did you know that KIM and her horrendous business has infiltrated the medical industry? YES sisters. GLOW GLOW GLOW now sells medicine.
my doctor gave a me bottle of GLOW GLOW GLOW mood improvement pills for sadness. Guess what ??? I am stuck in a hysterical laughing permanent site. NOT FUNNY Keoughmmmm. I went to all the hospitals here and no one can help me . Also every full moon i turn into a WEREGLOWZILLA with a Kockroach head. WHAT THE HELL Keoughmmm?
I have been trying to ask for a refund. no chance of course. AND YES KEOUGHMMM i read the instructions . there are 2987 steps that came in an encyclopedia i had to buy separately for 12 billion dollars .
Kim seriously i am bring your Freaking ass company down unless you send me antidote for this. I know you have it in your glow glow glow factory in storage lab f14. i have jnside info Keoughmmm.
Anyway... Love you Khloe you are such an inspiration for all the fighters and survivors out there.
Keoughmmmm SCREW YOU for ruining my life.
PS: Your podcast is hilarious. you sisters made me laugh so much. STAY WATERMELON y'all
Hello watermelon Kardasims, and hi to the stupid bitch, aka Kim.
My name is Simdy Appleton, and I am the latest Glow Glow Glow victim. In Kim's Dangerous Factory, I was subjected to Kim's new shitty product, Glow Glow Glow Summer Perfume, or GGGSP. Kim said that she uses volunteers, but I am here to be a fighter and a survivor, and expose the truth.
As you know, Stacy has been working to collect evidence to sue GGG, but you might not have known that after she was sent to Vanish, she worked with some of us employees to keep collecting more evidence. Unfortunately, Kim found out, and wanted to send me to Vanish, but I had just enough evidence to end our contract. Kim was cornered. I thought I was free, and I went to the club to celebrate, but Kim put Glow Glow Glow Mind Control Pills in my drink and I forgot what happened after that. When I woke up, I found something shocking... I WAS A KOCKROACH. KIM, I WANT YOU TO TURN ME BACK RIGHT NOW, OR I WILL RELEASE THE EVIDENCE, AND THE KOCKROACHES WILL SLOWLY EAT YOU UNTIL YOU ARE NOTHING BUT BONE AND YOUR ASS IMPLANTS.
Anyway, I have one question for you all. Do you think Stacy can be turned back into a human? Stay watermelon sisters! 🍉
hello to the most watermelon sister kim, just kidding.
my true greetings to Kourtina and Chloe 👓 - (loved the glasses btw, you two know what i mean)
my question is for a certain sister, have you ever been outsmarted by your other 2 sisters, right under your nose?
also loved when you 2 went undercover against the lunatic kim. not talking about a time in particular just saying you do it on a regular basis (trying to throw kim off so she doesn’t feel suspicious)
anyway love you guysssss (mainly khloe and kourtney) 🤍🫶
Hello to the unbothered goddess Kourtina, The proud queen of temper tantrums Kohlibear (own it!!), and orange Kuhm. I thought I might as well spell Kim's name like that since Khloe pronounces it like that anyways.
I wanted to ask how Kourtney and Khloe felt when they ignored Stacy Nancy Sim Louis's intructions and turned her into a Glowzilla? It was quite the moment. Did you guys figure out where she went afterwards? I heard a lot of chaos was sown that day... Also, did Vanish find out you guys did it? I hope not and you are all safe and doing well! 🩷
PS. Kehm you still owe me money for the advertising you manipulated/lied your way into making me make for your horrible Glow Glow Glow Glowing Perfume that you ended up putting in literal RADIOACTIVE URANIUM GLASS BOTTLES!! ☢️☠️
#WhenWillKimTurnANewFlower? (Kim says new flower, instead of new leaf..)
Lots of love,
Hello to everyone SPECIFICALLY Kim Kardasim the Billionaire,lawyer,mother,and famous tv and social media star.I just wanted to ask how Kim can cope with being constantly berated or insulted by her own family in regards of her products
Hello sisters! In preparation for the 100th, I've heard Khloe mention you guys might bring in audio messages for Listener's Response! In that case, I have something cooking! Another thing, I suggest that we do a special edition of Who's the Smartest where we have 5 questions instead, and they're all about trivia/fun facts highly related to the podcast! Here's some sample questions:
In Episode 41, the sisters answered a Listener's question and their answers were Kale, Mashed Potatoes, and Licorice. What was the original question?
In Episode 60, you guys did a special twist this episode, what was that twist?
Himalayan Monkey Urine. Guess what kind of conversation led to this topic.
According to "The Kim Code" in her wiki page, what does "Le tit" mean?
Before No No No was a thing, Kim brought up her own idea of a product line that Kourtney would have. Guess what that was.
Feel free to take more questions or other interesting ideas from fans! PS. Please say my full name and enunciate each of my middle names clearly and without any other bitch talking over you while doing it (bonus points if each of you would do it)
Hello kardasim simsters, except for KEM!! I am back.
I don't know if you remember who I am KEM!!!
I am moncef , the only survivor of the first glowzilla ever created from my pet lizard. Remember me KEM!?
Remember The glowzilla that destroyed MY WHOLE LIFE?
I am here to update you on my journey as a fighter and survivor through the hardest times of my life only learning from the best , Khloe kardasim , mother of kokroaches , the queen of bootyhole pics , the true heir of the kardasim throne.
KEM! After surviving..
I taimed the glowzilla monster and now its under my control , and i have planned revenge!! I am getting rid of the shitty , horrfying , and lovecraftian products you've created once and for all , I have rallied the victims of the glow glow glow survivors from all around the world to destroy you.
we're training each victim to take you down , we gathered no no no boxes to trap each abomination you've created , were using booty booty pop juice as weapons and enrgy drinks to make our asses bigger and better shileds.
Every side effect from your products are now supper powers to us , we're a band of supper heroes we are coming for you KEM !!Thanos of our world , you will be dealt with , I promise you that .
Stacy is with us. She is the brain and the backbones to our mission. The soul to our operation she says hi..and fuck you kem!
This is us. the revengers , we are many , we are simlegion.
#glowzilla #kem #moncefsurviveditall #Stacysuvived
(Love from Algeria, big fan.)
Anyone remember Khloe's Podcast Episode 46 where Kheam and Cortina sabotaged the podcast owner's audio in Segment 1? Kockroaches deserve to hear that sabotaged audio clip.
Hello Kardasims. It’s been almost a year since the Amelia incident. It’s Kate, and I finally got a hold of the World Wide Web. Kim has shut down our factory after deeming it “too toxic” for the area. We had a giant glass box placed over our factory. At first we all thought they would be a way out. But after a week of looking, we realized there was no way out. It’s been a week and a half. We are running out of food and the air is becoming toxic to us. And the “glow glow glow x vanish” collaboration (which is a new food brand) is running out. I am scared and we want revenge. Khlole, we never got to go to your office and apply for a job because Kim never let us leave. Please come get us. -Kate
hello to the most watermelon sisters!
Well. Maybe except Kem.
Sorry but Kem needs to be more honest about her business ventures like Kourtney and of course fighter and survivor Khloe.
Before I ask my question, I just wanted to say that I am so amazed by No No No’s signature product. When I opened my limited edition box - which cost over $500,000 - I expected to see a bunch of nothing. But what I found was so much more!
I found myself!
After years of therapy and self reflection I finally understood who I am. Thank you No No No!
I can confidently say that I am no longer bothered by much and hope to someday be as unbothered as the queen herself, Kourtney.
Anyway my question is to Kem and Khloe.
Ladies, why in sim-hell would you collaborate on a business venture together?!
I ordered a subscription to Glow Glow Glow’s monthly surprise membership and it has been fabulous - until recently.
The monthly gift boxes being sent used to include fabulous products such as simgm productions cockroach merch, sample sized booty pop and antiaging serums, and more!
But recently the boxes started coming in very beat up as they are suddenly being thrown onto my door step from someone driving by like a maniac.
The boxes now have labels for Glow Glow Glow’s all over them. And the original tape which sealed the box has clearly been tampered with.
When I open the box all I find are a dozen or so barely alive cockroaches - which is absolutely horrifying!
And not only that, these cockroaches all have what appears to be very big butts and are shining with pink glitter. These poor cockroaches seem like they are miserable and just trying to survive.
Khloe, why would you partner with Glow Glow Glow like this!? Please tell me this isn’t an official collab!
I have taken all of the cockroaches and placed them into a No No No box and they seem to be recovering slowly. They are also losing their glittery sparkles and their asses are returning to normal.
Once again I am positively astonished by the no no no product line and all that it does.
But as far as Booty Booty Pop Juice and Glow Glow Glow, I am not sure…
Please tell me this is one of KEM’s schemes and nothing to do with the queen of fighting and surviving!
Hello Kardasims! my name is Xian Sims, pronunciation is See.Yan sims
First of all, hello to the most watermelon sisters on the world!
Kourtney, the unbothered queen, Khloe, the fighter and survivor queen, and Kim, the biggest business flop queen! i have been a listener ever since the first episode!
ive binged all of the kardasims videos and they always make my day!
first of all, what the fuck happened to Stacey Nancy SimLouis!?!? Girl, everyone seen that episode! Why would Kim install buttons to specifically make her into a glowzilla! I even saw her on the news, GLOBAL NEWS!!!! I accually saw her at the white house!!!! Kim is gonna get sued by the president for reall!! this is my first time writing, and i have so much to askk!! For Khloe! If the word ''Kockroaches'' didn't exist, then what would you call us? For Kourtney! If boxes didn't exist, then what would you sell then? To Kim! How the fuck do you have permit to do all of those shit works you do on fucking innocent people?!? To Khloe and Kourtney! ive already seen that one video but, how traumatized were you when you guys went in the factory to a scale to 1 to 100. To all of you Kardasims! Do you still plan to bring other celebrities to the podcast? another question to all of you is that will you guys ever reach episode 500? thats all! love sent to all of you guyss!!! not much to Kim... fuck you and free all of those innocent people!!! #free_those_innocent_people
Getting speared in the ass cheeks: so watermelon or so not watermelon
Being best friends with a frog so watermelon or so not watermelon
Who's the Smartest?:
Glowzilla: so watermelon or so not watermelon? Disguise: so watermelon or so not watermelon? Fake names: so watermelon or so not watermelon? Lunch breaks: so watermelon or so not watermelon? Product instructions: so watermelon or so not watermelon? Touching something twice: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Good morning Kardasims. I would like to start off by saying Kim, I think you're very......anyways... you might need some ozempic in the worst way possible.(religiously) My grandma bought your Glow Glow Glow Anti Aging Sauna. I tried to stop her but was unsuccessful. Her skin started to get inflamed with tiny holes and cockglowches started FLYING OUT. It did not help that she also had diabetes, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, copd, influenza, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and HIV. But I want to put an emphasis on how mild these were compared to what you did to her. Shes a fighter.. but NOT a survivor. Long live my granny whos last words were (say in a southern accent) "Her liposuction looks like it was unliposucted. I shouldve never trusted her." RIP Granny Ellianteah.
I have questions. THEY NEED ANSWERS.
Kim, now that your secret is out, how do you plan to gaslight your customers even more moving forward?
Kourtney, why are you flat?
Khloey, have you been exposed by the getty yet?
Hello sisters, ive seen your video of chloe and kourtina going to the glow glow glow factory.
i hope you guys are ok after the incident. kim is successful business woman and peoplej ust ned to learn to follow instructions when it comes to her products. in all fairness its them who signed the contract which they can read with the glow glow glow 100 00x zoom magnifier as long as you follow the instructions for those to which you cant read without the magnifier. Love your products kim and hi to khloe and kourtney. my question is do you think kim knew the truth about who chloe and kourtina really were?? Stay watermelon.
Greetings to the beautiful Kardasim sisters! And also to the most beautiful most smartest business woman Kehm. Just kidding. 🐍🐍 My name is Neutral Sibling, and I am the latest Glow Glow Glow victim.
So.. Before i start my incredibly traumatic experience, I would first like to say that I can't bare to talk about it even with myself. But i am breaking the silence and exposing KEHM for the mistreatment and the hell she put me through. I mistakenly decided to join the Glow Glow Glow Willy Wonka Event (It was basically just like the concept of Willy Wonka, but except it was whatever kehm's doing) I ordered the chocolate bars from her website and they arrived in the mail 9 months later. I thought it was a bit weird, but i didn't take the sign.
I opened the chocolate bars up one by one to REVEAL that i've won TWO silver tickets saying that i was invited to kehm's glow glow glow company! I was really excited and i decided to bring my Good Bro with me because i didn't wanna waste a ticket. he was hesitant but immediately caved in.
When i first met kehm, It was the worst experience of my life. As she welcomed us to the gates, the company had hazard signs almost all around it but i figured it was just for decoration! considering this is just an event. Kehm welcomed us in her factory and the SMELL was ghastly. And when i looked over, i saw my Good Bro eyeing a product and he accidentally touched it, causing a MAJOR gas leak. Kehm looked over and BERATED us for minutes on end and called out to Vanish. We saw two men in suits and they dragged my Good Bro out of my sight. I was kicked from the factory and I never saw my Brother again.
I ended up calling the Glow Glow Glow hotline and i asked for assistance. the woman on the phone called me a stupid bitch and resulted in hanging up. My mother and whole family are missing Good Bro and even attempted a whole search party dedicated to him. and we found NOTHING. PLEASE BRING BACK MY BROTHER YOU GLOW GLOW GLOW MONSTER! Me and my family are fighting everyday to see my Brother again and I will not stand for the silencing. You are going down.
#FreeRobloxForEveryone #GlowGlowGlowMonster
Hi to the most watermelon sisters, Khloe and Kourtney. Khem I have considered to sue you, but I forgive you. I recently bought bbpj or Booty booty pop juice full package box, but when I opened it I got shocked when I saw that it was replaced with Glow Glow Glow Orange Sodas
I didn't think much and drank some of the Glow Glow Glow Orange Sodas, nothing happened, UNTIL my ass started growing and getting curvier. It turned into an ORANGE and circular and kept growing, I rushed to Google to search for a cure
Luckily I saw that bbpj can cure these ass the Glow Glow Glow Orange Soda gave me and also give me a thicker ass than what I had. I rushed to the supermarket and bought one. I immediately drank a whole bottle and my ass immediately started to deflate and turned into my dream ass, thank you bbpj and Khloe. Khem I hate you, stay watermelon Kardasims 🍉🍉🍉
Hi to the most watermelon sisters in the SIMWORLD.... and then Keoughmmm aka Kim. Sending you this message from Portugal and Keoughmmm ITS NOT PUERTO RICO you stupid bitch. I am Joel or at least i was until GLOW GLOW GLOW happened.
I cannot even start to tell you guys how much i despise Glow Glow Glow. The WORST company ever. Your produts ruined my life. Kim i have real evidence and i will bring you down, you stupid bitch.
This whole ordeal started back in Podcast episode 12. YES KIM i listened to all the episodes just to listen to beautigul voice of Khloe, the true fighter and survivor and Kourtney ... NO NO NO queen.
Did you know that KIM and her horrendous business has infiltrated the medical industry? YES sisters. GLOW GLOW GLOW now sells medicine.
my doctor gave a me bottle of GLOW GLOW GLOW mood improvement pills for sadness. Guess what ??? I am stuck in a hysterical laughing permanent site. NOT FUNNY Keoughmmmm. I went to all the hospitals here and no one can help me . Also every full moon i turn into a WEREGLOWZILLA with a Kockroach head. WHAT THE HELL Keoughmmm?
I have been trying to ask for a refund. no chance of course. AND YES KEOUGHMMM i read the instructions . there are 2987 steps that came in an encyclopedia i had to buy separately for 12 billion dollars .
Kim seriously i am bring your Freaking ass company down unless you send me antidote for this. I know you have it in your glow glow glow factory in storage lab f14. i have jnside info Keoughmmm.
Anyway... Love you Khloe you are such an inspiration for all the fighters and survivors out there.
Keoughmmmm SCREW YOU for ruining my life.
PS: Your podcast is hilarious. you sisters made me laugh so much. STAY WATERMELON y'all
Being a serial killer: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Hello watermelon Kardasims, and hi to the stupid bitch, aka Kim.
My name is Simdy Appleton, and I am the latest Glow Glow Glow victim. In Kim's Dangerous Factory, I was subjected to Kim's new shitty product, Glow Glow Glow Summer Perfume, or GGGSP. Kim said that she uses volunteers, but I am here to be a fighter and a survivor, and expose the truth.
As you know, Stacy has been working to collect evidence to sue GGG, but you might not have known that after she was sent to Vanish, she worked with some of us employees to keep collecting more evidence. Unfortunately, Kim found out, and wanted to send me to Vanish, but I had just enough evidence to end our contract. Kim was cornered. I thought I was free, and I went to the club to celebrate, but Kim put Glow Glow Glow Mind Control Pills in my drink and I forgot what happened after that. When I woke up, I found something shocking... I WAS A KOCKROACH. KIM, I WANT YOU TO TURN ME BACK RIGHT NOW, OR I WILL RELEASE THE EVIDENCE, AND THE KOCKROACHES WILL SLOWLY EAT YOU UNTIL YOU ARE NOTHING BUT BONE AND YOUR ASS IMPLANTS.
Anyway, I have one question for you all. Do you think Stacy can be turned back into a human? Stay watermelon sisters! 🍉
#WheresStacy #GoGoGoAway #KimIsAStupidBitch
hello to the most watermelon sister kim, just kidding.
my true greetings to Kourtina and Chloe 👓 - (loved the glasses btw, you two know what i mean)
my question is for a certain sister, have you ever been outsmarted by your other 2 sisters, right under your nose?
also loved when you 2 went undercover against the lunatic kim. not talking about a time in particular just saying you do it on a regular basis (trying to throw kim off so she doesn’t feel suspicious)
anyway love you guysssss (mainly khloe and kourtney) 🤍🫶