Leave your questions/comments for Listener Response, That's so Watermelon, or Who's the Smartest segments.
Hitting: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Detox Facial Masks: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Euphoria: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Mushrooms: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Getting arrested: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Vegan: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Omelets: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Spilling your coffee on your laptop: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Being stressed out: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Whistling: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Taking advantage of you: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Getting your payment switched from someone's bank account instead of receiving your payment from your own bank account: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Viral videos: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Classical Studies: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Nurses: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Light switches: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Nuns: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Communions: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Piano lessons: so watermelon or so not watermelon?
Crabs: so watermelon or so not watermelon?