Hello Kardasim sisters, especially to the fighter and survivor, achieving business woman, the most watermelon sister, Khloe. I will also give credits to the 2nd most watermelon sister, Kourtney becuase she has inspired me to not care about people trying to put me down. And, hi Kem. My question is for all the sisters. If there was one thing you could change about your business, (or collaborator for Khloe,) for the better, what would it be? And no, Kem, you can't say that your business is perfect becuase, it clearly isn't. I swear to god if another one of your toxic shit is at my door I will lose it. Lots of love from Iceland! (and no kem, that's not in an iceberg,) #kourtneyandkhloebestsisters#kemstopsendingmeyourtoxiclipbalm#nononoandbootybootypopjuiceforeveryone ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷
heyyy my favourite kardasims , kourtney u r soo cool and chill all the time , khloe the true fighter and survivor sister and hi kim . question for kourtney would u rather do a collab with the glow glow glow company or close down your own business and question for khloe would u rather become a permanent ambassador of glow glow glow or drink orange soda every day for the rest of your life , and also a few days ago my sister brought the new glow glow glow hand cream even tho i warned her not to . after a few hours of applying the cream her hands starting turning green and the next day her hands turned into reptile claws. after that we went to the doctor and he told us that they would have to amputate her hands in order for this mutation to stop. kim what the heck did u put in ur cream to cause this ??? u will be hearing from my lawyer very soon but i wish the best to kourtney and khloe <333 Much love from india <33333
Hey Kardasims! Firstly, I want to express that Khloe and Kourtney are completely overlooking Kim as the TRUE fighter and survivor in the family. I believe she's a fighter because she's willing to carry designer bags of any weight to defend herself, and she's a survivor because she's overcome numerous challenges without giving up. 🥰 Challenges such as the countless business failures and rebrands, nuclear explosions and chemical burns from Glow Glow Glow, among many others. She's truly inspiring! Khem has not only encouraged us to "fake it till you make it" as in being delusional, but she's also shown us the techniques on how to do scary voice effects for Halloween or voice acting gigs. With that grating voice of hers, she sure does it SO effortlessly! And because of her, I've landed a job as a "voice actor" for this upcoming revenge-horror short film, 'Look What You Made Me Do'. For that, I want to say thanK you aIMee, I meant Khem. 🥰
hello sisters i love you guys kourtney and khloe except kam heres why so i ordered booty booty pop juice for my ass it came fast and nice but there was some glow glow glow in the box as well but i didn't order that so i was confused but i got the booty booty pop juice and made it i put the cup down to look at the glow glow glow serum it was normal but i put it next to my drink the the house shoke only for a second then it was normal so I drink some of the booty booty pop juice and something felt off the glow glow glow serum somehow got in my drink I think it was because of the earthquake some random connection so I started to drink the booty booty pop juice by the way it was so good then my ass started to feel really weird it started to grow and grow and grow not the normal size but really big it got so big that my house walls started to crumble then my ass destroyed my whole house and my neighbors my ass detached from my body so I quickly grabbed onto it and it started to fly to the glow glow glow factory and took me through a window there was a lot of other asses this wasn't the first time that it happened there was a machine that was taking the asses and putting it into their serum I quickly found some toxic glue by glow glow glow and glued on my ass somehow it worked I escaped out of that room but fell down into with a room with magma and lava monsters I was so scared but then my ass started to grow again and it destroyed the lava monsters and made a hole so I could get through my ass turn small again and I was able to escape but it was one of the most scariest things that has ever happened to me I love you sisters so much besides kam and I was wondering if you sisters could pay for my house I have nowhere to live now and I'm staying at my friends I'm gonna be continuing to buy the booty booty pop juice but never buy glow glow glow ever again thank you sisters love you
Hello Sisters, especially to my favorite, the real host of this podcast, the watermelon queen, and the orangest of them all, Kim Kardasim!For my birthday, I decided to gift myself with the best thing that I could think of, and that is your new product called Glow Glow Glow Lipstick. After ordering it in January of this year, it finally arrived this April and I can't be more happier of the fast delivery.
When I first use it around people, everyone screamed and ran away from me because they were shocked and scared of how the lipstick looks. Regardless, I couldn't give a F about what they think because I know its from you and you put amazing products.
The lipstick itself so is so chic. It has this post apocalyptic vibes which I love because I love horror and sci-fi movies and the color is immaculate.
What I like the most about this product is how it feels when I apply the lipstick on my lips because it feels like a real human hand. Look at the video.I encourage everyone to buy this product and experience how good and satisfying it is. I love you, Kim!
I don't know if this will reach you or if there's anything you girls can do to help, but I've exhausted all other options and I have an hour to kill. It all started when I went to the mall to get a head start on finding a present for mothers day. I was passing by the Booty Booty Popjuice and NoNoNo stores when I noticed that a new store was being built next to the NoNoNo store. To my horror I realized it was "that" store that everyone with the least bit of intelligence knows to avoid. It would have been easy to do, but I was so in shock that my mall would allow this abomination of a company to build a store here that I didn't notice that the stupid bitch who founded it had set up a booth to promote the grand opening of her store until it was too late. (The company and founder shall remain nameless until I can escape, but I'm sure at least two of you can figure out who and what I'm talking about) Before I knew it, the founder had pulled me to her booth and told me that I would be the perfect candidate to be the spokesmodel for her new male fragerance BeauxBeauxBeaux. Being a listener of your podcast for many years I knew that I had to do whatever it took to avoid applying for this job, but I also knew that this stuck-up, dillusional bitch wasn't above stalking, breaking and entering, kidnapping, or enslavement, so I knew I couldn't piss her off either. I managed to talk my way out of the situation without signing or verbally agreeing to anything but not before she slammed a bussiness card into my hand with a QR code to the application. As soon as I powerwalked my way out of her view, I made a B-line for the nearest trashcan as I was worried that the card would have some sort of tracker in it, but it was worse than I thought. Just as I found a trashcan, the bussiness card emitted what I assume is some sort of knockout gass. When I woke up, I was in what I would describe as an underground bunker with a TV monitor, a product from the acursed company and a big metal door that had a timer set to one hour on top of it. As I was standing up, I was terrified to realize that not only have my clothes been taken from me and replaced with a company uniform, but I had a collar around my neck with a little screen that had the number 48 on it. As soon as I stood up and began to look around the TV monitor turned on and the company owners face appeared. She started off by congragulating me for being a spokesmodel finalist and explaining that her desired candidate had to be a fighter and surviver, so she had this trial designed to determine which of her 48 candidates that would be. She then explained that each of us had a weapon provided and had an hour to read the instructions. She also warned us not to remove the collars as tampering with them could trigger them to explode. Luckily, my instructons were in Kanji and only had three steps. Even more luckily, despite taking my wallet and clothes, the company owner hadn't taken my phone. There's even a charger in the bunker. I don't know if that's for psychological manipulation reasons or if she's just that stupid. I tried calling 911, but with every attempt I would only here an automated voice telling me to "Stop being rude". Then I tried posting about my situation using social media to get help or at least warn all of my friends, but all of my accounts had been hacked and there were even new posts on them endorsing the shit company that kidnapped me. Fortunately, my account on here hasn't been hacked. I'm hoping that means the two competant sisters are in control of this site. I know you girls can't save me yourselves, especiallly since the timer has already started counting down, but maybe answering my questions could give me information to help me get through this.
Khloe-Are fighters and survivers born or can they be made? If so, how?
Kourtney-Were you always so unbothered, or was there some sort of event that made you this way? If so, can said event be repeated?
Kim-Does your GlowGlowGlow Bubblicious Bathbomb seriously only have three steps? Most of your products come with textbooks and require magnifying glasses. These instructions seem too good to be true. I'm asking solely because one was given to before all of this happened and for no other reason.
I don't know if I'm still here, but love from Simveston, TX
Ok, so first of all- Oh my god! Are u hearing this? Because what I'm hearing here is the most beautiful, soothing and angelic voice that I ever heard. Whoever ows this voice is an icon.
Anyway, hello to the Host of this Podcast Kourtney, the True Fighter and Survivor Kim and the Drag Queen Khloe.
My question are these:
Khloe, can u sing "Poor Unfortunate Souls" of "The Little Mermaid"? Cause u remind me a lot of Ursula: you got the Glam, You got the Drama and you got a alot of Sass! I think you will nailed it cause you'll have your looks, your pretty face and you don't underestimate the importance of BoDy LAnguAGe! But if u don't I will understand ,'cause after all you're a very busy woman and you haven't got all day.
The second question is:
If Kim and Khloe would twerk with De Nicki Minaj would it cause an earthquake by the power of their fat asses?
Stay So Watermelon.
P.S. Seriously girls, it looks like you're hiding two watermelons in your backs.
Hey Kardasim losers, Can u make khloe and Kim cry to make me feel better? Btw Kourtney is so watermelon and khloe is a fighter and a survivor p.s Shut up Kim your voice is so not sexy 🐍
Hello to the most watermelon sisters Khloe and Kourtney, oh hi Rebecca anyways I just wanna say to Kourtney and Khloe thank you so much for reviewing my makeup product matte matte matte, I really hope you both still want to do the matte matte matte miracle concealer promotion and advertisment, I really appreciate that you both gave my products,company and customer service 5 stars full. My question is for Kim, how do you make the worst products on sim-earth, you could really been successful making bio-weapons, Jeffre sim star made a review on one of your product and thankfully he didn't applied the product directly onto his face but did applied it on to several things like a mannequin head made of rocks and somehow the mannequin head melted into magma and came to life and made weird noises, he had to use the no no no very durable box to contain that magma monster, my jaw dropped as I watch in horror with your horrible, terribly made formulation, Kim, over 10 million people that tried glow glow glow sued you, I've taken you as inspiration to never ever flop my formulation, you claim the glow glow glow dewy foundation is for the people that loves dewy finishes but however it is not dewy infact ITS OILY AND GREASY, the first ingredients on the box that came with the foundation said cooking oil and many people that have used the foundation have got third degree burn after using it not just in the hot sun BUT ALSO AT NIGHT? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE KIM? HOW DOES THIS HORRIBLE FOUNDATION CREATE A MAGNA MONSTER KIM AND GAVE THEM THIRD DEGREE BURN? Love you Khloe and Kourtney, sending much love from Malaysia ❤️🎀
Dear Kardasim sisters, I love you both so much. not you stupid bitch fake lawyer KIM. So I bought the glow glow glow hair oil because it says it helps with hair growth and strength. but when I used it, not even 30 minutes later my hair started to fall off and burn holes into my floor that ate my baby sister. I immediately called the fire department but before they could get here, I fell through one of the burned holes, and then I thought I saw my baby sister. But in order to save her, I had to escape an army of zombies, 4 vampires, and a glowzilla. But when I used the booty booty pop canned airplane to-go, I was able to fly away from that big ugly dusty bum glowzilla that kinda looked like kim. it was the scariest moment of my life. Khloe, thank you so much for saving me and my baby sister for the low cost of $190,000. You're an angel. Bless your soul. And for Kim, ill see you in court bitch.
Anyways, I have questions for all of you. But if Kim starts talking please talk over her or slap her in the mouth. Thank you.
Question for the unbothered no no no queen Kourtney, how are you able to put up with an annoying sister like Kim and stay so unbothered?
My question for Khloe aka host of the Kardasim Podcast, what other products do you recommend to reverse the effects of glow glow glow?
And for....the other one, can you shut up? and don't start crying or i'll hunt you down. Much love from Venezuela
Since you are the smartest one among your sisters, I want to ask you what's the difference between India, Indiana Jones, Indianapolis, and Indie music?
Also, Khloe and kourntey, you can thank me for making you laugh with that question
Ps* I have been listening since day 1, have sent some questions but haven't got picked, but it's okay because I know you all get so many comment everytime. But I truly think the wannabe host sabotaged my comment my comment all the time. So proud of you and Simgm! I hope you see this time, plssss
Hi Kardasims,i have to thank you all for keeping me entertained, but i have some questions for Khole, Kourtney and Kim, Khole I have used Booty Booty Pop jucie and I loved it my ass is now so much healthier and pretty I totally recomend Booty Booty Pop Juice You are so Watermelon. Kourtney How do you keep Krisaway for your door? You are so Watermelon. Kim I bought you Glow Glow and I Lab tested your products and me and my scientists found lots of illegal substances in your Products I am Suing You with all the people that you have hurt Kim you and your brand Should Be in PRISON and Your SO not WATERmelon. Love You Khole and Kourtney.
Hello to most watermelon sisters, specifically Khloe and Kourtney and maybe qhem, Before I go to my questions I would like to say that I am a scientist in training and for my project I needed to create or make something alive, so I decided to make a booty booty pop moth that would be able to calm any glow glow glow monsters down this creation I did was hard but then I discovered the no no no incubation box that was able to speed the process of bringing this magnificent creature alive,the booty booty pop moth was able to calm every glowzilla down and lead them to qhems private island and now they can live there without anything being destroyed. As for future glowzillas not to worry I am working on more booty booty pop moth that can calm and lead every future glowzilla on their new island called glowzilla landland and Kourtney be ready to ship me more no no no incubation boxes in the near future.
As for my questions for the 3 sisters
Khloe when are you gonna be the new CEO for the revolutionary booty booty pop juice
Kourtney how do you make such revolutionary boxes
And qhem how do you always play the victim so well
So Watermelon or Not So Watemelon:
Diss Tracks
Hello Kardasim sisters, especially to the fighter and survivor, achieving business woman, the most watermelon sister, Khloe. I will also give credits to the 2nd most watermelon sister, Kourtney becuase she has inspired me to not care about people trying to put me down. And, hi Kem. My question is for all the sisters. If there was one thing you could change about your business, (or collaborator for Khloe,) for the better, what would it be? And no, Kem, you can't say that your business is perfect becuase, it clearly isn't. I swear to god if another one of your toxic shit is at my door I will lose it. Lots of love from Iceland! (and no kem, that's not in an iceberg,) #kourtneyandkhloebestsisters #kemstopsendingmeyourtoxiclipbalm #nononoandbootybootypopjuiceforeveryone ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷
thats so watermelon : chicken tikka masala
heyyy my favourite kardasims , kourtney u r soo cool and chill all the time , khloe the true fighter and survivor sister and hi kim . question for kourtney would u rather do a collab with the glow glow glow company or close down your own business and question for khloe would u rather become a permanent ambassador of glow glow glow or drink orange soda every day for the rest of your life , and also a few days ago my sister brought the new glow glow glow hand cream even tho i warned her not to . after a few hours of applying the cream her hands starting turning green and the next day her hands turned into reptile claws. after that we went to the doctor and he told us that they would have to amputate her hands in order for this mutation to stop. kim what the heck did u put in ur cream to cause this ??? u will be hearing from my lawyer very soon but i wish the best to kourtney and khloe <333 Much love from india <33333
Who's the Smartest: "Juxtaposition"
That's so Watermelon: Karma by JoJo Siwa
Hey Kardasims! Firstly, I want to express that Khloe and Kourtney are completely overlooking Kim as the TRUE fighter and survivor in the family. I believe she's a fighter because she's willing to carry designer bags of any weight to defend herself, and she's a survivor because she's overcome numerous challenges without giving up. 🥰 Challenges such as the countless business failures and rebrands, nuclear explosions and chemical burns from Glow Glow Glow, among many others. She's truly inspiring! Khem has not only encouraged us to "fake it till you make it" as in being delusional, but she's also shown us the techniques on how to do scary voice effects for Halloween or voice acting gigs. With that grating voice of hers, she sure does it SO effortlessly! And because of her, I've landed a job as a "voice actor" for this upcoming revenge-horror short film, 'Look What You Made Me Do'. For that, I want to say thanK you aIMee, I meant Khem. 🥰
Kim what do you think about Taylor Swift's new song "thanK you aIMee"?
hello sisters i love you guys kourtney and khloe except kam heres why so i ordered booty booty pop juice for my ass it came fast and nice but there was some glow glow glow in the box as well but i didn't order that so i was confused but i got the booty booty pop juice and made it i put the cup down to look at the glow glow glow serum it was normal but i put it next to my drink the the house shoke only for a second then it was normal so I drink some of the booty booty pop juice and something felt off the glow glow glow serum somehow got in my drink I think it was because of the earthquake some random connection so I started to drink the booty booty pop juice by the way it was so good then my ass started to feel really weird it started to grow and grow and grow not the normal size but really big it got so big that my house walls started to crumble then my ass destroyed my whole house and my neighbors my ass detached from my body so I quickly grabbed onto it and it started to fly to the glow glow glow factory and took me through a window there was a lot of other asses this wasn't the first time that it happened there was a machine that was taking the asses and putting it into their serum I quickly found some toxic glue by glow glow glow and glued on my ass somehow it worked I escaped out of that room but fell down into with a room with magma and lava monsters I was so scared but then my ass started to grow again and it destroyed the lava monsters and made a hole so I could get through my ass turn small again and I was able to escape but it was one of the most scariest things that has ever happened to me I love you sisters so much besides kam and I was wondering if you sisters could pay for my house I have nowhere to live now and I'm staying at my friends I'm gonna be continuing to buy the booty booty pop juice but never buy glow glow glow ever again thank you sisters love you
sincerely, payton
Hello Sisters, especially to my favorite, the real host of this podcast, the watermelon queen, and the orangest of them all, Kim Kardasim! For my birthday, I decided to gift myself with the best thing that I could think of, and that is your new product called Glow Glow Glow Lipstick. After ordering it in January of this year, it finally arrived this April and I can't be more happier of the fast delivery.
When I first use it around people, everyone screamed and ran away from me because they were shocked and scared of how the lipstick looks. Regardless, I couldn't give a F about what they think because I know its from you and you put amazing products.
The lipstick itself so is so chic. It has this post apocalyptic vibes which I love because I love horror and sci-fi movies and the color is immaculate.
What I like the most about this product is how it feels when I apply the lipstick on my lips because it feels like a real human hand. Look at the video. I encourage everyone to buy this product and experience how good and satisfying it is. I love you, Kim!
I don't know if this will reach you or if there's anything you girls can do to help, but I've exhausted all other options and I have an hour to kill. It all started when I went to the mall to get a head start on finding a present for mothers day. I was passing by the Booty Booty Popjuice and NoNoNo stores when I noticed that a new store was being built next to the NoNoNo store. To my horror I realized it was "that" store that everyone with the least bit of intelligence knows to avoid. It would have been easy to do, but I was so in shock that my mall would allow this abomination of a company to build a store here that I didn't notice that the stupid bitch who founded it had set up a booth to promote the grand opening of her store until it was too late. (The company and founder shall remain nameless until I can escape, but I'm sure at least two of you can figure out who and what I'm talking about) Before I knew it, the founder had pulled me to her booth and told me that I would be the perfect candidate to be the spokesmodel for her new male fragerance BeauxBeauxBeaux. Being a listener of your podcast for many years I knew that I had to do whatever it took to avoid applying for this job, but I also knew that this stuck-up, dillusional bitch wasn't above stalking, breaking and entering, kidnapping, or enslavement, so I knew I couldn't piss her off either. I managed to talk my way out of the situation without signing or verbally agreeing to anything but not before she slammed a bussiness card into my hand with a QR code to the application. As soon as I powerwalked my way out of her view, I made a B-line for the nearest trashcan as I was worried that the card would have some sort of tracker in it, but it was worse than I thought. Just as I found a trashcan, the bussiness card emitted what I assume is some sort of knockout gass. When I woke up, I was in what I would describe as an underground bunker with a TV monitor, a product from the acursed company and a big metal door that had a timer set to one hour on top of it. As I was standing up, I was terrified to realize that not only have my clothes been taken from me and replaced with a company uniform, but I had a collar around my neck with a little screen that had the number 48 on it. As soon as I stood up and began to look around the TV monitor turned on and the company owners face appeared. She started off by congragulating me for being a spokesmodel finalist and explaining that her desired candidate had to be a fighter and surviver, so she had this trial designed to determine which of her 48 candidates that would be. She then explained that each of us had a weapon provided and had an hour to read the instructions. She also warned us not to remove the collars as tampering with them could trigger them to explode. Luckily, my instructons were in Kanji and only had three steps. Even more luckily, despite taking my wallet and clothes, the company owner hadn't taken my phone. There's even a charger in the bunker. I don't know if that's for psychological manipulation reasons or if she's just that stupid. I tried calling 911, but with every attempt I would only here an automated voice telling me to "Stop being rude". Then I tried posting about my situation using social media to get help or at least warn all of my friends, but all of my accounts had been hacked and there were even new posts on them endorsing the shit company that kidnapped me. Fortunately, my account on here hasn't been hacked. I'm hoping that means the two competant sisters are in control of this site. I know you girls can't save me yourselves, especiallly since the timer has already started counting down, but maybe answering my questions could give me information to help me get through this.
Khloe-Are fighters and survivers born or can they be made? If so, how?
Kourtney-Were you always so unbothered, or was there some sort of event that made you this way? If so, can said event be repeated?
Kim-Does your GlowGlowGlow Bubblicious Bathbomb seriously only have three steps? Most of your products come with textbooks and require magnifying glasses. These instructions seem too good to be true. I'm asking solely because one was given to before all of this happened and for no other reason.
I don't know if I'm still here, but love from Simveston, TX
So Watermelon or Not So Watemelon:
Virtual Reality -Simulator Gadgets
Ok, so first of all- Oh my god! Are u hearing this? Because what I'm hearing here is the most beautiful, soothing and angelic voice that I ever heard. Whoever ows this voice is an icon.
Anyway, hello to the Host of this Podcast Kourtney, the True Fighter and Survivor Kim and the Drag Queen Khloe.
My question are these:
Khloe, can u sing "Poor Unfortunate Souls" of "The Little Mermaid"? Cause u remind me a lot of Ursula: you got the Glam, You got the Drama and you got a alot of Sass! I think you will nailed it cause you'll have your looks, your pretty face and you don't underestimate the importance of BoDy LAnguAGe! But if u don't I will understand ,'cause after all you're a very busy woman and you haven't got all day.
The second question is:
If Kim and Khloe would twerk with De Nicki Minaj would it cause an earthquake by the power of their fat asses?
Stay So Watermelon.
P.S. Seriously girls, it looks like you're hiding two watermelons in your backs.
Hey Kardasim losers, Can u make khloe and Kim cry to make me feel better? Btw Kourtney is so watermelon and khloe is a fighter and a survivor p.s Shut up Kim your voice is so not sexy 🐍
Hello to the most watermelon sisters Khloe and Kourtney, oh hi Rebecca anyways I just wanna say to Kourtney and Khloe thank you so much for reviewing my makeup product matte matte matte, I really hope you both still want to do the matte matte matte miracle concealer promotion and advertisment, I really appreciate that you both gave my products,company and customer service 5 stars full. My question is for Kim, how do you make the worst products on sim-earth, you could really been successful making bio-weapons, Jeffre sim star made a review on one of your product and thankfully he didn't applied the product directly onto his face but did applied it on to several things like a mannequin head made of rocks and somehow the mannequin head melted into magma and came to life and made weird noises, he had to use the no no no very durable box to contain that magma monster, my jaw dropped as I watch in horror with your horrible, terribly made formulation, Kim, over 10 million people that tried glow glow glow sued you, I've taken you as inspiration to never ever flop my formulation, you claim the glow glow glow dewy foundation is for the people that loves dewy finishes but however it is not dewy infact ITS OILY AND GREASY, the first ingredients on the box that came with the foundation said cooking oil and many people that have used the foundation have got third degree burn after using it not just in the hot sun BUT ALSO AT NIGHT? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE KIM? HOW DOES THIS HORRIBLE FOUNDATION CREATE A MAGNA MONSTER KIM AND GAVE THEM THIRD DEGREE BURN? Love you Khloe and Kourtney, sending much love from Malaysia ❤️🎀
-the creator of Matte Matte Matte,Aarwin.
Dear Kardasim sisters, I love you both so much. not you stupid bitch fake lawyer KIM. So I bought the glow glow glow hair oil because it says it helps with hair growth and strength. but when I used it, not even 30 minutes later my hair started to fall off and burn holes into my floor that ate my baby sister. I immediately called the fire department but before they could get here, I fell through one of the burned holes, and then I thought I saw my baby sister. But in order to save her, I had to escape an army of zombies, 4 vampires, and a glowzilla. But when I used the booty booty pop canned airplane to-go, I was able to fly away from that big ugly dusty bum glowzilla that kinda looked like kim. it was the scariest moment of my life. Khloe, thank you so much for saving me and my baby sister for the low cost of $190,000. You're an angel. Bless your soul. And for Kim, ill see you in court bitch.
Anyways, I have questions for all of you. But if Kim starts talking please talk over her or slap her in the mouth. Thank you.
Question for the unbothered no no no queen Kourtney, how are you able to put up with an annoying sister like Kim and stay so unbothered?
My question for Khloe aka host of the Kardasim Podcast, what other products do you recommend to reverse the effects of glow glow glow?
And for....the other one, can you shut up? and don't start crying or i'll hunt you down. Much love from Venezuela
Dear Professor Kimberly Kardasim,
Since you are the smartest one among your sisters, I want to ask you what's the difference between India, Indiana Jones, Indianapolis, and Indie music?
Also, Khloe and kourntey, you can thank me for making you laugh with that question
Ps* I have been listening since day 1, have sent some questions but haven't got picked, but it's okay because I know you all get so many comment everytime. But I truly think the wannabe host sabotaged my comment my comment all the time. So proud of you and Simgm! I hope you see this time, plssss
Kourtney what is better orange soda or glow glow glow
Hi Kardasims,i have to thank you all for keeping me entertained, but i have some questions for Khole, Kourtney and Kim, Khole I have used Booty Booty Pop jucie and I loved it my ass is now so much healthier and pretty I totally recomend Booty Booty Pop Juice You are so Watermelon. Kourtney How do you keep Krisaway for your door? You are so Watermelon. Kim I bought you Glow Glow and I Lab tested your products and me and my scientists found lots of illegal substances in your Products I am Suing You with all the people that you have hurt Kim you and your brand Should Be in PRISON and Your SO not WATERmelon. Love You Khole and Kourtney.
Hello to most watermelon sisters, specifically Khloe and Kourtney and maybe qhem, Before I go to my questions I would like to say that I am a scientist in training and for my project I needed to create or make something alive, so I decided to make a booty booty pop moth that would be able to calm any glow glow glow monsters down this creation I did was hard but then I discovered the no no no incubation box that was able to speed the process of bringing this magnificent creature alive,the booty booty pop moth was able to calm every glowzilla down and lead them to qhems private island and now they can live there without anything being destroyed. As for future glowzillas not to worry I am working on more booty booty pop moth that can calm and lead every future glowzilla on their new island called glowzilla landland and Kourtney be ready to ship me more no no no incubation boxes in the near future.
As for my questions for the 3 sisters
Khloe when are you gonna be the new CEO for the revolutionary booty booty pop juice
Kourtney how do you make such revolutionary boxes
And qhem how do you always play the victim so well
Thanks that's all stay Watermelon!! 😍